The conquest of the masses. The origins of state propaganda in the interwar Spain, 1917-1936

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José Manuel Morales Tamaral

This paper investigates the legislation and institutions which paved the way to the domestic and foreign state propaganda in Spain between 1917 and 1936. Amid the public debates on the legitimacy of propaganda that spread all over Europe and the United States after the First World War, our aim is to analyze the deep transformation in the relationship among the state and the mass media, specially the press, that also took place in Spain during the interwar period –in other words, a long-term turn towards an increase of the governmental constraint on the public opinion through the censorship and, more significantly, a conscious willingness to have a massive influence on the citizenship thanks to techniques such as official press cabinets, newspaper funding practices or news agencies. The main value of the Spanish case lies in the fact that this changing atmosphere overlapped with the succession of three totally different regimes –Restoration, Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship, Second Republic– that, however, shared part of the motivations and institutional responses to the challenging inclusion of the masses in the way of making politics.

History of Spain, Interwar period, State propaganda, Spanish foreign policy, Censorship, Mass media

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How to Cite
Morales Tamaral, José Manuel. “The conquest of the masses. The origins of state propaganda in the interwar Spain, 1917-1936”. Rubrica Contemporanea, vol.VOL 5, no. 10, pp. 65-83,
Author Biography

José Manuel Morales Tamaral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departament of Late Modern History, Faculty of Geography and History (Edif. B), Universidad Complutense de Madrid. C/ Profesor Aranguren, s/n, 28040 (Madrid)

- Academic rank: PhD Researcher

- Publications:

  • “Alemania en la política exterior de España (1868-1914). Entre la aproximación, el desencuentro y la «tentación»”, in Pilar FOLGUERA y Juan Carlos PEREIRA et al. (eds.): Pensar con la Historia desde el siglo XXI. XII Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2015, pp. 637-654. ISBN: 978-84-8344-458-0. Readable online:
  • “El atípico verano de 1914: viejas decisiones en las trincheras del siglo XXI”, Revista de Historia Militar, nº 117, pp. 13-56 (2015). ISSN: 0482-5748. With José Carlos Aránguez Aránguez y David Corrales Morales.
  • Componiendo la negociación. Música y relaciones internacionales en la historiografía actual”, Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, nº 37 (2015), pp. 323-334. ISSN: 0214-400X. ISSN: 0214-400X / ISSN-e 1988-2734. Readable online: