El debat de la nació: una nota sobre l’anomenat protonacionalisme

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Xavier Torres Sans

At the end of the XX century, a radical new form of writing –and conceiving- the history of nations began. Eric J. Hobsbawm was, without doubt, one the architects of this paradigm shift, as well as Ernest Gellner, Benedict Anderson and others authors who were no less daring and iconoclastic. The result of it all was a breakdown with the classic historiograhy –and sociology- of nations, the clarification of some old controversies and,  finally, the breakthrough of a certain number of new questions. The so called protonationalism –a Hobsbawms term- is one of these pending –or not yet full solved- questions. The author suggests that the nation’s modernizing paradigm would be more consistent if it incorporated the detailed analysis of some regional paths in the Early Modern Europe.

Nation, nationalism, historiography, Modern History

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How to Cite
Torres Sans, Xavier. “El debat de la nació: una nota sobre l’anomenat protonacionalisme”. Rubrica Contemporanea, vol.VOL 2, no. 04, pp. 23-35, https://raco.cat/index.php/rubrica/article/view/286532.
Author Biography

Xavier Torres Sans, Universitat de Girona

Xavier Torres (Barcelona, 1955) is full Professor of Early Modern History at the Universtity of Girona. His publications include Naciones sin nacionalismo. Cataluña en la monarquía hispánica (siglos XVI-XVII) (València, 2008), Els llibres de família de pagès (Girona, 2000), and several studies about brigandage in Early Modern Catalonia. He has recently edited the collective volume Les altres guerres de religió. Catalunya, Espanya, Europa (segles XVI-XIX) (Girona, 2012).