La web como herramienta de comunicación y distribución de destinos turísticos. Análisis y modelos

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Pablo Díaz-Luque
Gloria Jiménez Marín

Internet is now an indispensable tool for the acquisition of travel. Most travelers plan their vacations for this media. Assuming that all marketing process involves four variables: product, price, distribution and communication, we focus on the distribution channel and its relationship with communication. This is because there has been a process of re-intermediation with the appearance of new agents and disappearance of other, classic and traditional. In this process the destination promotion organizations position themselves as a new channel of distribution- communication online of travel products. 

Advertising, Promotion, Place, Tourism, Web.

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How to Cite
Díaz-Luque, Pablo; and Jiménez Marín, Gloria. “La web como herramienta de comunicación y distribución de destinos turísticos. Análisis y modelos”. Questiones Publicitarias, vol.VOL 1, no. 18, pp. 39-55,