Determinantes de la eficacia publicitaria actual: el Modelo AMBER (Atención-Motivación-Brand Engagement-Respuesta)

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José Martí Parreño

The new media landscape arose during the last years, the fragmentation of the audiences; advertising clutter and changes in consumer behaviour are just a few drivers challenging traditional advertising communication models, demanding new models that perform better. This paper has as a main goal a proposal of a new advertising effectiveness model featuring Attention, Motivation, Brand Engagement and Response (AMBER) as main factors. These factors, along with theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed. 

advertising, advertising models, hierarchy of effects, the AMBER model

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How to Cite
Martí Parreño, José. “Determinantes de la eficacia publicitaria actual: el Modelo AMBER (Atención-Motivación-Brand Engagement-Respuesta)”. Questiones Publicitarias, vol.VOL 1, no. 17, pp. 122-38,