O perfil dos licenciados em Publicidade em Portugal. Uma perspectiva dos estudantes, dos professores e dos profissionais

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Paulo Ribeiro Cardoso
Francisco Costa Pereira
Jorge Domingos Veríssimo
Maria do Rosário Correia
Gisela Marques Gonçalves

The purpose of this study is to know how the universities are teaching Advertising in Portugal and the way they are following the market. The research involved the administration of a questionnaire to a sample of students, professors and professionals in Lisbon, Porto and Covilhã in order to gather the perspectives of these three players in this process. In general we verified that universities have been following the market but need to be more linked with that universe. We also concluded that the best advertising graduate profile should include individual traces such as “team work” and “dynamism” and also technical knowledge like “advertising strategy” and “creativity”. 

education of Advertising, advertising professionals.

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How to Cite
Ribeiro Cardoso, Paulo et al. “O perfil dos licenciados em Publicidade em Portugal. Uma perspectiva dos estudantes, dos professores e dos profissionais”. Questiones Publicitarias, vol.VOL 1, no. 16, pp. 1-23, https://raco.cat/index.php/questionespublicitarias/article/view/349773.