La cara oculta de los advergames. La explotación crítica de un nuevo recurso de la publicidad

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Cristina Martorell
Josep A. Rom

In recent years, advergames –videogames created to promote products or brands- have proved to be an entertaining, funny and non-interruptive way to reach consumers. However, some countercultural and anti-consumerism movements have also begun to use these tools at cross purposes, that is to say, in order to criticize certain attitudes from brands and companies. This article aims to deepen on this kind of videogames against advertising and/or mainstream culture, known as anti- advergames, through two case studies –the criticism to McDonald’s business policies through the anti- advergame McVideoGame, and the reflection about ex-president Bush “war on terror” consequences through the anti-advergame September 12-. 

advergames, anti-advergames, new advertising techniques

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How to Cite
Martorell, Cristina; and Rom, Josep A. “La cara oculta de los advergames. La explotación crítica de un nuevo recurso de la publicidad”. Questiones Publicitarias, vol.VOL 1, no. 16, pp. 24-39,