Analysis of the expert report by the forensic pathologist and specialist in legal medicine, ms. c.c.a

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Jorge Urrea Zamorano

This work analizes the issue at hand by transiting two pathways or levels of analysis, each one intensly connected to the other. At a macro level, it covers a case solved through experts’ knowlege. At a micro level, one expert report involved is analyzed. This case’s context and how it was solved shed light on the expert report’s fallencies. The expert report and the expert deposition in court explain how the case developed and how it was finally solved

medical expertise, expert report, expert report’s minimum content, due process, femicide

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How to Cite
Urrea Zamorano, Jorge. “Analysis of the expert report by the forensic pathologist and specialist in legal medicine, ms. c.c.a”. Quaestio facti. Revista internacional sobre razonamiento probatorio, no. 6, pp. 271-84, doi:10.33115/udg_bib/qf.i6.22984.