Calcium and inorganic carbon speciation in Spanish Mediterranean brackish waters
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The concentrations of free ions and major inorganic complexes of calcium and inorganic carbon (i.e. free Ca2+, free HCO-3, free CO2-3 , H2CO3 , CaSO04 , CaCO03 , CaHC0+3 , NaHCO03 , MgHCO+3 , NaCO-3 and MgCO03 ) have been calculated according to an ion-pair model, on the basis of their relative abundance in total concentrations, in Spanish Mediterranean brackish waters. Calcium complexes amount to 25% of total calcium, whereas bicarbonate and carbonate complexes reach 10 and 47% of total alkalinity respectively. NaHCO03 and MgHCO+3 expressed as percentages of total alkalinity, and NaCO-3 , MgCO03 and free CO2-3 expressed as percentages of total carbonate are dependent on ionic strength. NaCO-3 , MgCO03 referred to total carbonate and free HCO3- , and free CO2-3 as percentages of total alkalinity are strongly dependent on pH. Inorganic carbon complexes amount to an important fraction of total alkalinity when I (ionic strength)> 0.05 and pH> 8.5, when I> 0.10 and pH> 8.3, and when I> 0.20 and pH> 8.1. Calcium complexes cannot be expressed as single function of pH or ionic strength. Their maximum percentages appear at high pH values and moderate or high ionic strength, when CaSO04 and CaCO03 coexist at significant levels.