The Poetic Rewriting of Inca History in El enemigo y la mañana by Jorge Enrique Adoum

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Miguel Ángel Gómez Soriano

This paper proposes a critical approach to the poetic rewriting of the story carried out in El enemigo y la mañana by Jorge Enrique Adoum. This book of poetry, which is the second of the series grouped under the title Los cuadernos de la Tierra,takes the expansion of the Inca Empire to the territories of the current Ecuador as a poetic material. The author puts forward a recreation of the myths, religiosity, customs and history of Tahuantinsuyo, in a work of historical recovery originated from an identity need. As a clear example of the historical reflection carried out in the 50s and 60s of the last century, these poems express the connection between the past and the present, in a critique against all imperialism and abuse of power, while it sketches a new myth for that new time: the one of the patriot fighting for his territory, a myth that has obvious connections with the philosophy of the new man expressed by Ernesto Che Guevara.

Jorge Enrique Adoum, poetic rewriting, historical poetry, colloquial poetry

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How to Cite
Gómez Soriano, Miguel Ángel. “The Poetic Rewriting of Inca History in El enemigo y la mañana by Jorge Enrique Adoum”. Mitologías hoy, vol.VOL 19, pp. 257-73,