The nature of the Triunviral Power in Macedonia the proconsulship of Lucius Cornelius Piso

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Carlos Heredia Chimeno

Lucius Calpurnius Piso's proconsulate in Macedonia (57-55 BCE) is well known to be part of the view of Cicero. This paper seeks to find out if the action of Piso reflects the triumviral power, within the framework of a mos maiorum of a new regime, in order to illuminate the decline narrative and the distorted perspective used by Cicero.

Lucius Cornelius Piso, First triumvirate, Mos maiorum, Decline narratives, Cicero

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Heredia Chimeno, Carlos. “The nature of the Triunviral Power in Macedonia: the proconsulship of Lucius Cornelius Piso”. Karanos. Bulletin of Ancient Macedonian Studies, vol.VOL 2, pp. 55-74,
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