Helping the CCP to find its own way toward modernity : the case of NGOs providing support to migrant workers in China

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Chloé Froissart
This article aims to analyze the civil society in China throughout the study of the organizations supporting migrant workers. Considering first how NGOs try to overcome a highly restrictive legal framework and reconfigure the relationship with the state in more beneficial terms; second, how they socialize migrants; and finally, how they represent migrants’ interests and influence public policies. This paper highlights how NGOs contribute to redefine state-society relations and to change the system from inside, while also help the CCP to adapt and to maintain itself in power, hence to find its own way toward modernity.
Paraules clau
ONG, migración interna, derechos civiles, China

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Com citar
Froissart, Chloé. “Helping the CCP to find its own way toward modernity : the case of NGOs providing support to migrant workers in China”. Inter Asia Papers, no. 36, pp. 1-38,