Colonias japonesas en el extranjero : miniaturas de la sociedad japonesa

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Makiko Fukuda

In this article we examine the general social and cultural features and the internal organization of expatriated Japanese colonies. We aim to identify the mechanism and some factors that produce these “miniatures” of the Japanese society oversea. Temporary migration is one of the major factors that create “environmental bubble” which enclose them and let them tied to the social context of their homeland. To understand this migration pattern and their life style in the host society, the distinction between “we” and “they”, that founds the Japanese society, would be the key.

Paraules clau
Patró de migració, Integració

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Com citar
Fukuda, Makiko. “Colonias japonesas en el extranjero : miniaturas de la sociedad japonesa”. Inter Asia Papers, no. 3, pp. 1-24,