Colombia, diez años de construcción de paz con las FARC (2012- 2022): retos para la reconciliación y avances desde la no violencia

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There is a myth related to the use of nonviolent action: that in the face of armed conflict, nonviolence is an ineff ective way of combatting the extreme violence that takes place in a war. However, people have always been able to develop forms of nonviolent resistance during times of war, overcoming all barriers that the various forms of violence war imposes on social mobilisation. The pacifist tradition of resistance to war includes those strategies in which nonviolent action begins prior to the conflict and continues during and afterwards. However, in this article, pacifi st tactics specifi cally within contexts of armed conflict will be discussed briefl y, without going into the analysis of actions carried out before or afterwards. To that end, a brief description of the theoretical framework is provided, as well as a basic bibliography of the topic.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Suárez, Andrei. “Colombia, diez años de construcción de paz con las FARC (2012- 2022): retos para la reconciliación y avances desde la no violencia”. Revista d’Humanitats, no. 6, p. 14, doi:10.34810/humanitatsn6id413297.