Possibilism, memory and reflexivity: Opposition to dictatorship in cinema produced during the late Francoist era and during the transition to democracy in Spain (1969–1977)
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Jorge Nieto Ferrando
Universitat de Lleida
This article addresses some of the forms of opposition to the Franco dictatorship that are to be found in films produced between 1969 and 1977, as well as the obstacles that such films encountered. We will focus in particular on so-called “possibilist” cinema and the crisis that it faced as a result of audiences’ and critics’ demands for greater literalness; on the consequences of the emergence of new boundaries with regard to what could then be spoken about and visually portrayed, especially in terms of the filmic treatment of the Spanish Civil War; and finally on the arguments found within the discourse of independent non-fiction cinema.
Late Francoism, transition, possibilism, film opposition, alternative cinema.
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How to Cite
Nieto Ferrando, Jorge. “Possibilism, memory and reflexivity: Opposition to dictatorship in cinema produced during the late Francoist era and during the transition to democracy in Spain (1969–1977)”. Franquisme & Transició. Revista d’Història i de Cultura, no. 4, pp. 201-17, doi:10.7238/fit.v0i4.3092.