L’eros, il dono, la donna nuda squartata. (Inf. XIII, Dec. V,8 e il Botticelli)

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Giorgio Bertone
Boccaccio’s tale of Nastagio degli Onesti (Dec. V, 8) is compared with If. XIII and with the visualization of the four panels by Botticelli (1483; Lorenzo the Magnificent’s wedding gift), as figurative reading, backwards, by affinity or contrast, of the salient episodes of the story. The entire route is aimed at an unprecedented interpretation: the application of anthropological theory of gift (Marcel Mauss) to the famous tale. Outcome is a new key to read – in opposition to much recent criticism – this and other tales of the Decameron (Federigo degli Alberighi, Cisti the baker).

Paraules clau:

Dante, Boccaccio, Botticelli, Nastagio degli Onesti, dono

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Com citar
Bertone, Giorgio. “L’eros, il dono, la donna nuda squartata. (Inf. XIII, Dec. V,8 e il Botticelli)”. Dante e l’Arte, vol.VOL 1, pp. 179-06, https://raco.cat/index.php/dea/article/view/304495.