Psicomotricitat i intel·ligències múltiples. Compartint un espai
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We are increasingly conscious that, in our schools, the student body is diverse with different necessities, interests, capacities and abilities. Facing this reality, we can ask the following question: what tools, resources, possibilities, do we have at school to help us get information about this plurality?
There are many theories around Education, Teaching and Learning. Some help to give an answer to this question can be found in dynamic psychomotor activity and Gardner’s multiple intelligences.
It was put into practice at Josep Fusté School (Alforja) with the group of pupils in level P5.
The objective of this article is to show how two different types of work can be fusioned to become a resource to observe and plan our practice. It is meant to gather information to help us understand the necessities, interests, abilities and capacities of the children and, at the same time, to help us answer them.
At all times, it is clear that there are more factors to take into account when deciding what can help each child to improve. That is why the results of the observation in the psychomotor room are used as an enriching complement to the daily practice at school.