Feminist methodology in doctoral dissertation research. From feminist epistemologies and critiques to methodological proposals under construction and revision.

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Jokin 1981- Azpiazu Carballo
Marta Luxán Serrano

This article is intended to introduce the monograph "Feminist Methodology in doctoral thesis research". In it, we briefly introduce some epistemological and methodological issues related to the question, as well as a review of the main activities and lines of work of the collective in which the monograph editors participate. We end with a brief introduction to the articles that make up the monograph.

methodology, feminism, feminist epistemology, SIMReF

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How to Cite
Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin 1981-; and Luxán Serrano, Marta. “Feminist methodology in doctoral dissertation research. From feminist epistemologies and critiques to methodological proposals under construction and revision”. Clivatge. Revista d’estudis i testimonis sobre els conflictes i els canvis socials, no. 11, p. e-45304, doi:10.1344/CLIVATGE2023.11.11.