La ruptura de 1989

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Antonio Hermosilla Canessa
The collective mobilization and the cycle of protests that finally weaken and break the socialist model in the German Democratic Republic on November 9 of 1989, has been widely analyzed from the sociology of social movements. However, these studies have focused on reinforcing and inhibitors links between
migration (exit) and protest (voice) (Hirschman, 1993; Pfaff, 2003, 2006). Few studies have noted the dynamics of nonviolent protests. This research seeks to explore the contentious actions that occurred in the GDR in 1989, from the nonviolent struggle theory of sociologist and political scientist Gene Sharp (1973, 1985), and the possible complementarity of this analytical model would has with the migration thesis proposed by Hirschman (exit).

East Germany, Emigration (exit) and protest (voice), Non violent collective action

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How to Cite
Hermosilla Canessa, Antonio. “La ruptura de 1989”. Clivatge. Revista d’estudis i testimonis sobre els conflictes i els canvis socials, no. 1, pp. 11-26,