Lope de Vega and the conquest of Spanish theater in the Netherlands

Main Article Content

Frans R.E. Blom
Olga van Marion

This contribution focuses on Lope's conquest of Amsterdam's grand theater in the 40s and 50s of the seventeenth century. Focusing on creative industries, we analyze the producer's side for Lope's "invasion" in the Netherlands, and the channels that were developed in order to faciltate the new Spanish productions for the Amsterdam theater. Focusing on the consumer's side, we measure, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the successes (and some failures) of Lope's plays. In our new data base ONSTAGE, that gathers information about plays, performances and companies' revenues, we show convincing evidence that Lope was the most popular playwright in those years in Amsterdam, even more popular than our local playwrights. The article is completed with an inventory of all of Lope's plays adapted for the Amsterdam stage. We hope these new findings may contribute to a more complete picture of Lope's European career.

Lope de Vega, Netherlands, theater, creative industry, cultural transfer.

Article Details

How to Cite
Blom, Frans R.E.; and van Marion, Olga. “Lope de Vega and the conquest of Spanish theater in the Netherlands”. Anuario Lope de Vega, vol.VOL 23, pp. 155-77, https://raco.cat/index.php/anuariolopedevega/article/view/318202.
Author Biographies

Frans R.E. Blom, Universiteit van Amsterdam

Professor of Early Modern Dutch and Neolatin Literature

Olga van Marion, Universiteit Leiden

professor of Early Modern Dutch Literature