Do Narratives Require Romances? Narration and Versification in Two Plays by Lope de Vega (1610)

Main Article Content

Daniele Crivellari

Starting from some observations about ll. 305-312 of Arte nuevo de hacer comedias, this article aims to analyze the relationship between metrics (and more specifically the use of romances) and the dramatic structure in two plays written by Lope in 1610, i.e., La hermosa Ester and La buena guarda. Through the study of the interaction of polymetry and the other criteria of the «cuadros», this article focuses mainly on the semantic, structural and thematic functions of the verses to find out how each stanza reveals its possibilities within the intrinsic versatility of dramatic language.

Lope de Vega, polymetry and the structure of the play, romances and narration, theatre, «Arte nuevo de hacer comedias».

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How to Cite
Crivellari, Daniele. “Do Narratives Require Romances? Narration and Versification in Two Plays by Lope de Vega (1610)”. Anuario Lope de Vega, vol.VOL 21, pp. 1-28,
Author Biography

Daniele Crivellari, Università degli Studi di Salerno

From 2012, he is «ricercatore» on Spanish Literature in the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of Salerno University.