Fortune of Some Verses from «El perseguido»

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Gonzalo Pontón

The quotation of two stanze of Lope de Vega’s play El perseguido (1590) in Bartolomé Jiménez Patón’s rhetorical treatise Elocuencia española en arte (1604) poses an interesting question of textual criticism. The rich textual tradition of this comedy was exceptional for the time, and it allows us to see the kind of text that would have arrived to Patón’s hands. It also confirms the diffusion and appreciation reached by this early play, in which Lope achieves a thorough formulation of a very successful subject to which he would return, with different approaches, throughout all his life.

El perseguido, Lope de Vega, textual criticism, Bartolomé Jiménez Patón, first stage in Lope’s theatrical evolution, Matteo Bandello as literary source

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How to Cite
Pontón, Gonzalo. “Fortune of Some Verses from «El perseguido»”. Anuario Lope de Vega, vol.VOL 19, pp. 188-03,