Lope and the Battle-Speech

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Juan Carlos Iglesias-Zoido

This article analyzes the way in which Lope de Vega conceives in his theater the pre-battle harangue, the most characteristic speech in ancient and renaissance historiography. Having this aim in mind, I have analyzed the role played by this type of speech in a group of plays dealing with historical and military subjects. These plays were written in a period when Lope was particularly interested in historical issues: La Santa Liga (1598-1603), Arauco domado (1599), El asalto de Mastrique (1595-1606) and Los Guanches de Tenerife (1604-1606).

Lope de Vega, Battle-Speech, theater, Historiography, rhetoric, Classical tradition

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How to Cite
Iglesias-Zoido, Juan Carlos. “Lope and the Battle-Speech”. Anuario Lope de Vega, vol.VOL 18, pp. 114-45, https://raco.cat/index.php/anuariolopedevega/article/view/286740.