Los Tellos de Meneses by Lope de Vega in the Shaping of the Ideal of the Honourable Peasant

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Teresa Ferrer
In the first part of this paper I will point out the popularity enjoyed by the genealogical legend related to the family of the Tellos de Meneses through a compilation of references to performances of plays based on it. The article then focuses on the theatrical duology written by Lope de Vega on the origins of this family: Los Tellos de Meneses and Valor, fortuna y lealtad (the second part of Los Tellos de Meneses). I will analyze two fundamental elements: on the one hand, the use of sources by the playwright, maybe in an attempt to improve the family’s image; on the other hand, I will analyze the place that these two plays centered on celebrating a genealogy occupy in relation to the development of the ideal of the honorable peasant.
Los Tellos de Meneses, Valor, fortuna y lealtad, Lope de Vega, genealogical plays, historical- legendary sources, ideal of the honorable peasant

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How to Cite
Ferrer, Teresa. “Los Tellos de Meneses by Lope de Vega in the Shaping of the Ideal of the Honourable Peasant”. Anuario Lope de Vega, vol.VOL 17, pp. 44-65, https://raco.cat/index.php/anuariolopedevega/article/view/286224.