Audiovisual and television content for mobile devices: an approach to the Spanish market
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In nowadays media context of digital convergence and multi screen broadcast, mobile devices are playing an increasing role as a point of access to audiovisual and television contents, especially those related to entertainment. This paper analyzes the main advantages and limitations of mobile devices as a new screen through which broadcast these types of contents. In order to do this an exploratory analysis a Spanish market approach was conducted to reach those entertaining audiovisual contents broadcasted through the mobile platform, from the very first native formats —like moviseries and realities shows— to nowadays offer of television contents and brand new applications and contents which arise with the advent of the mobile Internet. This exploratory analysis has allowed identifying the main tendencies and business models which arise from these contents, especially those related to the emerging market of mobile application. Those main factors, both technological and market related, are also pointed as possible barriers for a greater use of mobile phones as a platform for broadcasting audiovisual and television contents.