Searching for the center. First part

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Antoni Remesar

This article, the first part of a series, reviews the idea of the ‘center’ of the city through an analysis of some utopian proposals, including Howard’s for the garden city and ends with an analysis of the polycentrality of the medieval city.
After a review of the evolution of circular and polygonal cities from an analysis of secondary sources, artistic iconography, cartography of the early days of printing and images of Google Earth, introduces the discussion about the ‘ideal city by studying this concept in medieval scholasticism, especially in the work of Eiximenis, as well as the relationship of this ideal with the materialization of the medieval cities [1] of repopulation, valuing the relationship between the routes and the emergence of the urban center and [2] the study, with different intensities, of important medieval cities: Siena, Bologna, Florence, Venice, Brussels, Krakow, Naples and Barcelona.
In the case of these last two cities, the article focuses on the importance of the port and shore space, as a large public space in the city.

Urban Centre, Garden City, polycentrism, Port, Public Space, Naple, Barcelona

Article Details

How to Cite
Remesar, Antoni. “Searching for the center. First part”. On the w@terfront, vol.VOL 63, no. 8, pp. 3-65,

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