El proyecto Opera-Oberta en la educación superior universitaria: El programa pedagógico en la URV (2001-2008)

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Enrique Fuentes Goyanes
In this paper commissioned by the magazine, tells a unique experience in the field of higher education, a collaborative effort between the Liceu in Barcelona, the universities of the project and the telephone company supplying the internet for the reception operas live on college campuses, linking cultural communities, academic and technological, in order to expand the curriculum of academics in the cultural and artistic resources in the implementation of on-line.
Opera-oberta, academia, higher education, university curriculum, on-line program

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How to Cite
Fuentes Goyanes, Enrique. “El proyecto Opera-Oberta en la educación superior universitaria: El programa pedagógico en la URV (2001-2008)”. Universitas Tarraconensis. Revista de Ciències de l’Educació, no. 2, pp. 43-54, doi:10.17345/ute.2010.2.630.