Propuesta de análisis fenomenológico de los datos obtenidos en la entrevista

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Ricard Marí Mollà
Rosa M. Bo Bonet
Cristina I. Climent

This work intends to show the steps for the elaboration of an investigation through phenomenological protocol of an interview data. The process of Phenomenological Evaluation presents a series of steps and elements that must be congruent and be conducted in order to study one’s experience with respect to the circumstance for that person. Therefore, the interviewer must guarantee to reach the objective and allow, using the strategy of analysis and prioritising the necessities, make decisions.

Paraules clau
Evaluation, Methodology, Phenomenological Method, Educational Research

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Com citar
Marí Mollà, Ricard et al. “Propuesta de análisis fenomenológico de los datos obtenidos en la entrevista”. Universitas Tarraconensis. Revista de Ciències de l’Educació, no. 1, pp. 113-3, doi:10.17345/ute.2010.1.643.