El consumo femenino de la imagen de la mujer en la publicidad. El sexismo en las campañas publicitarias rechazadas por la audiencia

Main Article Content

Nuria García-Muñoz
Luisa Martínez
This article presents the results of research into the perceptions and attitudes of women with regard to gender
representations in advertising discourse. This study is
part of a research project begun in 2005 on the subject of
the consumption of the image of women in advertising
and the media carried out by the Catalan Institute of
Women (ICD) of the Catalan regional government, the
Generalitat. From a qualitative perspective, results are
obtained about the significance that women assign to
gender representations. The recipients’ evaluation and
conceptualization of advertising and sexism demonstrate
that a number of stereotypes that continue to exist in the
media are distant from social reality.
KEY WORDS: Reception, Audiences, Representation,
Gender Studies, Discrimination, Advertising,
Women, Stereotypes, Media, Sexism.
PALABRAS CLAVE: recepción, audiencias, representación,
estudios de género, discriminación, publicidad,
mujeres, estereotipos, medios, sexismo.

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How to Cite
García-Muñoz, Nuria; and Martínez, Luisa. “El consumo femenino de la imagen de la mujer en la publicidad. El sexismo en las campañas publicitarias rechazadas por la audiencia”. Tripodos. Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations-URL, no. 24, pp. 149-60, https://raco.cat/index.php/Tripodos/article/view/129442.