Fact-Checking, a Public Service Value in the Face of the Hoaxes of the Healthcare Crisis

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María José Ufarte-Ruiz
Belén Galletero-Campos
Ana María López-Cepeda

The dissemination of fake news is an increasing issue in the media ecosys­tem, which has worsened with the current healthcare crisis. Pandemic-re­lated hoaxes challenge media, which have not hesitated to implement dif­ferent plans to combat these contents. The objective of this research is to ana­lyse the structure, make-up and proce­dures of fact-checking units that have been created in the newsrooms of the public service media (PSM) in Spain to refute false and unreliable information related to coronavirus. Two initiatives were studied: RTVE Verifica, belonging to the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation, and Coronabulos, from the public entity of the Basque govern­ment, EiTB. The method used is based on case studies, web content analysis and in-depth semi-structured inter­views with those responsible for these departments. Such a triangulation of techniques has allowed us to draw conclusions and provide interesting ex­amples to the research. The results re­veal that these sections use traditional techniques and technological applica­tions to verify content related mainly to healthcare and pseudoscientific infor­mation, which are published on corpo­rate websites and social media.

Keywords: hoaxes, coronavirus, healthcare crisis, fact-checking, public service media.

Paraules clau
public service media, fact-checking, healthcare crisis, hoaxes, coronavirus

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Com citar
Ufarte-Ruiz, María José et al. “Fact-Checking, a Public Service Value in the Face of the Hoaxes of the Healthcare Crisis”. Tripodos. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna-URL, vol.VOL 1, no. 47, pp. 87-104, https://raco.cat/index.php/Tripodos/article/view/377176.