Análisis del efecto de la Ley 2009 de Financiación de Radio y Televisión Española en el cumplimiento de servicio público de la Corporación
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Tamara Vázquez Barrio
Andrés Galisteo Gámiz
On January 2010, between other measures, advertising disappeared on RTVE’s first and second channel. The main reason for this change was to reinforce the public service vocation of national television. This article offers the conclusions of an investigation which tries to verify if this measure and the consequent changes in programs has come to be effective. To achieve this aim, we have developed a quantitative content analysis of the different program grids, and we have compared it with the results of a previous project carried out in 2008. The main conclusion is that TVE has improved its vocation of public service after the new measure of suppressing commercials.
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Com citar
Vázquez Barrio, Tamara; and Galisteo Gámiz, Andrés. “Análisis del efecto de la Ley 2009 de Financiación de Radio y Televisión Española en el cumplimiento de servicio público de la Corporación”. Tripodos. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna-URL, vol.VOL 1, no. 30, pp. 125-51,