La montaña junto a una gran ciudad. Inicio del excursionismo y transformación del paisaje en el valle de la Fuenfría de la Sierra de Guadarrama

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Teresa Bullón Mata
The research consists in the analysis of a representative landscape of the expansion of
hiking in one of the valleys of the Sierra de Guadarrama and in the definition of the keys
with which the contemporary evolution of this landscape occurs. The working methods
used are review of contemporary written press, analysis of statistical data and field work.
The results reveal how landscape transformation takes place from the objective and
perceptual points of view. From the activity of holidaymakers, artists and mountaineers
the landscape of the Fuenfría valley acquires a symbolic and cultural value, which transcends
its objective content. The activities developed by the hikers reveal that they were a
socially advanced group, in which the women are integrated. The practice of mountain
sports that these perform supposes their exit to the public space and is representative of
the social advances of beginning of 20th century.

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How to Cite
Bullón Mata, Teresa. “La montaña junto a una gran ciudad. Inicio del excursionismo y transformación del paisaje en el valle de la Fuenfría de la Sierra de Guadarrama”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 84, pp. 251-64,