El decurso del agua. Diálogo humanista ante paisajes de las marismas del Guadalquivir

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Carmen Andreu Lara
Juan F. Ojeda Rivera
Águeda Villa Díaz
Juan Villa Díaz
The humanistic and multi-disciplinary dialogue is the tool that allows us to assay shared
interpretations of three landscapes of the Marismas del Guadalquivir. These landscapes
are consider as; thesis (Original Lanscape of the Retuerta, shore of the Doñana National
Park), antithesis (Colonial and rice landscape of Isla Mayor), and synthesis (Symbolic
landscape of La MadreEl Rocío) of the territorial and landscape configuration of that
remarkable space. Fascinated with the marshlands environments and landscapes where
we were born, from where we escaped to grow up but, the ones we constantly appeal; we
assume the hermeneutics conviction that any landscape is under a continually stage of
interpretation to which you have to access in order to fully understand its meaning and,
to be able to add more links to its interpretive chain. The synergy of our conviction will
generate new interpretations, which will drive us to read, understand and seek for new
stories about our old landscapes.

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How to Cite
Andreu Lara, Carmen et al. “El decurso del agua. Diálogo humanista ante paisajes de las marismas del Guadalquivir”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 84, pp. 201-18, https://raco.cat/index.php/TreballsSCGeografia/article/view/336732.