L'Exercici professional de la geografia a Catalunya: estat actual i perspectives de futur
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Elena Rodríguez
Sergi Cuadrado Ciuraneta
Josep Gili
Enric González
Carme Miralles
Antoni Larrull
Marta Pallarés
Geography as a professional activity in Catalonia: current
status and future perspectives
The 21th of November of 2013 took place the second roundtable organized in the
context of the 25th anniversary of the Association of Professional Geographers of Catalonia
(AGPC). The aim of this act was to present an overview of the practice of Geography as
a professional activity in Catalonia. The event brought together different professionals
belonging to three areas (business, university and government) and coming from different
parts of Catalonia. The aim of this paper is to provide an accurate review of the contents
of the discussion and record the considerations about the current status of professional
Geography and its future perspectives.
status and future perspectives
The 21th of November of 2013 took place the second roundtable organized in the
context of the 25th anniversary of the Association of Professional Geographers of Catalonia
(AGPC). The aim of this act was to present an overview of the practice of Geography as
a professional activity in Catalonia. The event brought together different professionals
belonging to three areas (business, university and government) and coming from different
parts of Catalonia. The aim of this paper is to provide an accurate review of the contents
of the discussion and record the considerations about the current status of professional
Geography and its future perspectives.
Article Details
How to Cite
Rodríguez, Elena et al. “L’Exercici professional de la geografia a Catalunya: estat actual i perspectives de futur”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 80, pp. 117-39, https://raco.cat/index.php/TreballsSCGeografia/article/view/309737.
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