Estudi raonat de les fonts documentals de l'Atles català de 1375. Des del seu inici fins a l'actualitat
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Montserrat Galera i Monegal
The world map, known as the Catalan Atlas, dated in 1375, was a commissioned to
the Cresques family of Palma de Mallorca by the Catalan dynasty as a present for the king
of France Charles V (as both monarchies were related). It was deposited at the Bibliothèque
Royale of France where it is still conserved today. Its uniqueness has been the reason for
dedicating this study. Its documentary impact was uneven and limited during the first
centuries. However, by the end of eighteenth century, the Atlas started to be more widely
studied thanks to the scholars of that period. Several theories have appeared since then,
and were modified slowly, continuously until today, especially those issues related to its
creation, authorship and dating. The access to several archives sources has been crucial in
the current knowledge of the Catalan Atlas.
the Cresques family of Palma de Mallorca by the Catalan dynasty as a present for the king
of France Charles V (as both monarchies were related). It was deposited at the Bibliothèque
Royale of France where it is still conserved today. Its uniqueness has been the reason for
dedicating this study. Its documentary impact was uneven and limited during the first
centuries. However, by the end of eighteenth century, the Atlas started to be more widely
studied thanks to the scholars of that period. Several theories have appeared since then,
and were modified slowly, continuously until today, especially those issues related to its
creation, authorship and dating. The access to several archives sources has been crucial in
the current knowledge of the Catalan Atlas.
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How to Cite
Galera i Monegal, Montserrat. “Estudi raonat de les fonts documentals de l’<i>Atles català</i> de 1375. Des del seu inici fins a l’actualitat”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 80, pp. 9-66,
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