Representacions urbanes catalanes del segle XVII per Sébastien de Pontault, sieur de Beaulieu

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Joan Capdevila i Subirana
During the second half of the seventeenth century, Sébastien Pontault, better known
as Sieur de Beaulieu, military engineer to the service of Louis XIII and Louis XIV, launched
a publishing company specializing in the representation of places, sieges and battles
staged by the French troops. His work was prolific and covered all fronts open at the time.
The Catalans places are prominently represented with almost one hundred forty images,
mainly views and plans of fortresses and villas involved in the Catalan Revolt or Reapers
War and subsequent events. This paper presents a biography of the author and his legacy
associated with Catalonia and Roussillon, contextualizing it historically. The paper
emphasizes the collection of unpublished manuscripts known as Atlas of Perpignan.

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How to Cite
Capdevila i Subirana, Joan. “Representacions urbanes catalanes del segle XVII per Sébastien de Pontault, sieur de Beaulieu”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 77, pp. 39-63,