Efectivitat dels tractaments de combustible en la reducció del risc de propagació d'incendi
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Rut Domènech
Elsa Pastor
Eulàlia Planas i Cuchi
Fuel treatment effectiveness in reducing the fire risk propagation.
Simulation tools have been widely used in evaluating the effectiveness of fuel
treatments on wildfire behavior. Fuel treatments, such as prescribed burning or
thinning, lead to changes in the forest structure and therefore modify certain basic
parameters that may influence the fuel?s behavior in a potential fire. Fuel treatments
have been shown to be effective at mitigating fire damages in various studies. However,
these studies are not consistent regarding what treatment is the most efficient.
This paper reviews the state of the art on the evaluation of the effectiveness of fuel
treatments paying special attention to the methodology used to assess them and the
results obtained.
Simulation tools have been widely used in evaluating the effectiveness of fuel
treatments on wildfire behavior. Fuel treatments, such as prescribed burning or
thinning, lead to changes in the forest structure and therefore modify certain basic
parameters that may influence the fuel?s behavior in a potential fire. Fuel treatments
have been shown to be effective at mitigating fire damages in various studies. However,
these studies are not consistent regarding what treatment is the most efficient.
This paper reviews the state of the art on the evaluation of the effectiveness of fuel
treatments paying special attention to the methodology used to assess them and the
results obtained.
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How to Cite
Domènech, Rut et al. “Efectivitat dels tractaments de combustible en la reducció del risc de propagació d’incendi”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 71, pp. 11-34, https://raco.cat/index.php/TreballsSCGeografia/article/view/256736.