Aguas, nieves e hielos en los paisajes de Sierra Nevada : el interés de la información gráfica de los libros de época

Main Article Content

Antonio Gómez Ortiz
Benedita Milheiro Santos
David Serrano i Giné
The graphical documentation from ancient books is valuable in the landscapes
geographical interpretation of Spanish Sierra Nevada. Water, snow and ice are
fundamental in the reconstruction and scientific explanation of the Little Ice Age. The
ideas and interpretations that are included in the communication (centuries XVII-XIX)
stress the gradual progress of the cartography and emphasize the advance of the
scientific knowledge of Sierra Nevada summit landscape.

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How to Cite
Gómez Ortiz, Antonio et al. “Aguas, nieves e hielos en los paisajes de Sierra Nevada : el interés de la información gráfica de los libros de época”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, pp. 393-05,

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