La Cartografia digital urbana a Catalunya: oportunitats i entrebancs per als SIGs municipals

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Pau Serra del Pozo
The availability of urban cartography with topographical and land value information is uneven at the municipal level. About seventy per cent of Catalan municipalities have topographical cartography, and only twenty per cent have land value catrtography. Different public administrations have made a great effort over the last decade to update amd produce urban topgraphical cartography in Catalonia. However, the multiplicity and overlapping administrations with cartographical competences in our country has created some problems that are affecting the municipalities that should receive these information. In some cases there are differences in the time frame or in the type of metrics used that creates additional challenges when transforming them into municipal GIS formats.

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How to Cite
Serra del Pozo, Pau. “La Cartografia digital urbana a Catalunya: oportunitats i entrebancs per als SIGs municipals”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 58, pp. 111-30,