Caracterització geogràfica de les sequeres a la conca del riu Muga (1950-2001)
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Carles Bayés i Bruñol
Recognizing the characteristics of the Mediterranean distribution of precipitation and the role of land and water uses, the purpose of this paper is analyze the factors that cause droughts episodes on the basin of the river Muga. We analyze here the spatial and time distibution of droughts during the second half of the twentieth century and the social impact of these changes and the forms by which the diffetrent communities adapted their consuption of water. The chronological analysis allows us to conclude that ther river basin communities are today much more sensible to smaller variations in the amount of water in order to define social, economic and environmental consequences.
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How to Cite
Bayés i Bruñol, Carles. “Caracterització geogràfica de les sequeres a la conca del riu Muga (1950-2001)”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, vol.VOL 58, pp. 7-33,