L’origen de l’home: Darwin i la psicologia
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Ester Desfilis
Universitat de Lleida
The purpose of this article is to review the psychological evidence presented by Darwin in The Origin of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, as well as the complex reciprocal relationships between evolutionism and psychology. The theory of evolution by natural selection has been, is, and will be fundamental for psychology, since it allows us to better understand behavior and psychological processes in humans and other animals. The influence of the theory of evolution on psychology has been varied. On the one hand, the recognition of the similarities between humans and other animals due to biological continuity prompted experimental studies on the causal mechanisms of behavior, justifying the use of laboratory animals as models to study the basis of human psychological processes. On the other hand, the idea of continuity in the psychological capacities of all animals gave rise to animal psychology and comparative psychology, which study the similarities and differences between the psychological processes and behaviors of different species. The recent incorporation of the evolutionary perspective to the understanding of the design of the human mind by evolutionary psychology deserves a separate mention. Darwinian approaches to the study of human behavior are a source of considerable controversy and have given rise to conflicting positions ranging from euphoric acceptance to furious rejection.Keywords: psychology, mind evolution, psychobiology, evolutionary psychology, theory of mind.
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How to Cite
Desfilis, Ester. “<i>L’origen de l’home</i>: Darwin i la psicologia”. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Biologia, vol.VOL 71, pp. 34-41, https://raco.cat/index.php/TreballsSCBiologia/article/view/392215.
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