Revision of Late Miocene and Pliocene Cricetinae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Spain and France
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M. Freudenthal
P. Mein
E. Martín Suárez
A large number of populations of Cricetinae from the Late Miocene and the Pliocene of Spain and France is analyzed. After a discussion on the validity of the available genus names, four different genera are recognized: Cricetulodon Hartenberger, 1966, Rotundomys Mein, 1966, Neocricetodon Schaub, 1934, and Apocricetus nov. gen. Cricetulodon bugesiensis and Neocricetodon ambarrensis are new species, recognized in the Late Vallesian of France. Apocricetus alberti is a new species name, that replaces most of the previous citations of Cricetus kormosi Schaub, 1930, or Cricetus cf. kormosi, in our area.
The Cricetulodon group may be a local evolution, derived from some species of Democricetodon Fahlbusch, 1964 in the Early Vallesian, and evolving towards Rotundomys. Neocricetodon, on the other hand, is interpreted as a group immigrating from the East in the Late Vallesian. A second immigration wave in the Early Turolian brings Apocricetus into our area.
During the Middle and Late Turolian we see a continuous appearing, disappearing and re-appearing of these groups, that may be linked to the strong climatic changes of the Messinian. After the Messinian the situation is stabilized, and the only cricetine remaining is Apocricetus, characteristic for many Pliocene faunas.
Key words: Cricetinae, Rodentia, Spain, France, Miocene, Pliocene.
The Cricetulodon group may be a local evolution, derived from some species of Democricetodon Fahlbusch, 1964 in the Early Vallesian, and evolving towards Rotundomys. Neocricetodon, on the other hand, is interpreted as a group immigrating from the East in the Late Vallesian. A second immigration wave in the Early Turolian brings Apocricetus into our area.
During the Middle and Late Turolian we see a continuous appearing, disappearing and re-appearing of these groups, that may be linked to the strong climatic changes of the Messinian. After the Messinian the situation is stabilized, and the only cricetine remaining is Apocricetus, characteristic for many Pliocene faunas.
Key words: Cricetinae, Rodentia, Spain, France, Miocene, Pliocene.
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Com citar
Freudenthal, M. et al. “Revision of Late Miocene and Pliocene Cricetinae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Spain and France”. Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, vol.VOL 7, pp. 11-93,
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