Solsonès region in Hannibalic period: The Iberian population in the area during the 3rd c. BC (300-180 BC)

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David Asensio Vilaró
Ramon Cardona Colell
Jordi Morer de Llorens
Borja Gil Limón
Laro Bonvehí Sànchez
Francisco J. Cantero Rodríguez
Josep Pou Vallès
For the last 25 years, the Centre d’Estudis Lacetans has been developing a research project on the structure of the Iberian population in the Solsonès region. This has allowed to characterize its evolution from the first Iron Age to the late Iberian period. The work revealed that this area in the third century BC experienced a moment of maximum development, with a high level of density and organizational complexity. Evidence shows a strong political fragmentation, with several territorial entities that are organized around first order settlements, such as those of Sorba, Castellvell or Cogulló, not similar to the centralization that occurred in the coastal territories.

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How to Cite
Asensio Vilaró, David et al. “Solsonès region in Hannibalic period: The Iberian population in the area during the 3rd c. BC (300-180 BC)”. Treballs d’Arqueologia, no. 24, pp. 63-83, doi:10.5565/rev/tda.121.