Roman commercial networks in the eastern Pyrenees in the Late Republic and Early Empire a cost analysis of the transport of imports and exports

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Alan Ward Koeck

A computer model of the transport network in the eastern Pyrenees is drawn up, in association with a mathematical model of cost and speed of various means of transport and types of via. Results of these models include optimum routes for imports and exports to this region, and a breakdown of costs and transport times in each direction. The role of the port of Ruscino is noted in making Cerdanya and Iulia Lybica accessible from the sea, due to the higher cost of road transport in comparison to sea and river. So is the economic feasibility of the transport of merchandise such as imports of wine and exports of pernae ceretanae in relation with other regions of the Roman world, or quarried stone and salt between the region and neighboring regions in the central Pyrenees. The topic of a mountain range as a barrier to commercial activities is thus questioned.

Paraules clau
Pyrenees, Commerce, Network, Roman empire

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Ward Koeck, Alan. “Roman commercial networks in the eastern Pyrenees in the Late Republic and Early Empire: a cost analysis of the transport of imports and exports”. Treballs d’Arqueologia, no. 24, pp. 211-43, doi:10.5565/rev/tda.110.
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