El "Asunto Bohemia", un incidente diplomático entre España y Cuba en 1957
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Manuel de Paz Sánchez
In the beginning of 1957, the relations between Spain and Cuba were disturbed by a diplomatic incident that followed the publication in the Bohemia magazine of articles and informations opposed to the Franco régime , He was accused to be responsible for the death of Juan Bautista Sánchez, field marshal of Catalonia as well as monarchist conspirator. This angered Franco so much that he did all in his power te sue the magazine for libel; to this end, he agreed that a Cuban judicial committee visited Spain in order to investigate this affair thoroughly.
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Paz Sánchez, Manuel de. “El ‘Asunto Bohemia’, un incidente diplomático entre España y Cuba en 1957”. Tiempos de América: revista de historia, cultura y territorio, no. 3, pp. 33-52, https://raco.cat/index.php/TiemposAmerica/article/view/105043.