La influència de la llengua catalana en els noms d'ocells maltesos: apunts preliminars
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Pere Alzina Bilbeny
The Influence of the Catalan Language on the Names
of Maltese Birds: Preliminary Notes. The influence of the Catalan language on the Maltese language
has hardly been researched, despite the fact that the island was
under Catalan sovereignty for nearly two centuries. Out of
the 268 years that the island was governed by the Knights
of Malta, 87 were under the leadership of Catalan-speaking
grandmasters. A preliminary study investigates which of the
167 Maltese names of birds collected in the book Where to
Watch Birds and other Wildlife in Malta have a highly
probable Catalan origin.
of Maltese Birds: Preliminary Notes. The influence of the Catalan language on the Maltese language
has hardly been researched, despite the fact that the island was
under Catalan sovereignty for nearly two centuries. Out of
the 268 years that the island was governed by the Knights
of Malta, 87 were under the leadership of Catalan-speaking
grandmasters. A preliminary study investigates which of the
167 Maltese names of birds collected in the book Where to
Watch Birds and other Wildlife in Malta have a highly
probable Catalan origin.
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How to Cite
Alzina Bilbeny, Pere. “La influència de la llengua catalana en els noms d’ocells maltesos: apunts preliminars”. Terminàlia, pp. 19-24,