"Ai, que em faig un lio". Desenvolupaments recents del coneixement de les normatives lingüísties catalana i castellana

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James Hawkey
This paper examines the awareness of the normative forms of Catalan and Spanish by means of an innovative fieldwork experiment. Fifty participants were required to identify instan-
ces of non-normative linguistic interference in the two languages and, based on the results, conclusions were drawn as to their awareness of current linguistic norms. The participants belonged to two age brackets: the younger group was between 25 and 35 years old while the older group was aged between 55 and 65 years. This studys theoretical framework focuses on the academic debate on language policy and planning, particularly concerning corpus plan-ning and linguistic codification, since the experiment seeks specifically to evaluate the role of foreign interference in normative Catalan. On the basis of the experiments results, it may be asserted that Catalans are increasingly aware of the current linguistic norms of the Catalan language, above all with regard to the identification of instances of non-normative Spanish interference. It is also pointed out that, within the framework of this linguistic situation, the various types of language planning and policy are intrinsically linked, as they all form part of the same sociolinguistic reality.

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How to Cite
Hawkey, James. “‘Ai, que em faig un lio’. Desenvolupaments recents del coneixement de les normatives lingüísties catalana i castellana”. Treballs de sociolingüística catalana, vol.VOL 24, pp. 389-08, https://raco.cat/index.php/TSC/article/view/293783.