L'Ensenyament en català a la Catalunya del Nord: primer pas per a una eventual reversió sociolingüística

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Maria Cabrera i Callís
Alà Baylac-Ferrer
Given the lack of research on the replacement of the Catalan language with French in Northern
Catalonia, it is impossible to ascertain with any precision the status of Catalan or its actual
use in this region. The French legal framework, combined with the lack of awareness and political
interest of the local administrations, hinder the development of a language policy that
explicitly promotes Catalan. The use of Catalan as the language of instruction is slowly taking
root, and its further development is absolutely essential in order for there to be any possible
reversal of the status of Catalan in this society.

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How to Cite
Cabrera i Callís, Maria; and Baylac-Ferrer, Alà. “L’Ensenyament en català a la Catalunya del Nord: primer pas per a una eventual reversió sociolingüística”. Treballs de sociolingüística catalana, vol.VOL 23, pp. 179-04, https://raco.cat/index.php/TSC/article/view/280593.