El Projecte "Canto sense vergonya"

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Joanjo Ardanuy
Canto sense vergonya (I Sing and Im not Ashamed of It) is an instrument for the promotion of the Catalan and Occitan languages through music. Arising from an initiative of the Secretariat for Language Policy in connection with the campaign Dóna corda al català,
the project brings together young musical groups of different styles. The only conditions
are that they sing in Catalan or Occitan and that they appear for free in a joint concert.
Although the first three actions were carried out in Lleida alone, the latest event was held simultaneously in Reus, Girona, Lleida and Vic, with the cooperation of various local communication media that broadcast the respective concerts.
This paper reviews the origins of the project and how it has developed over time, becoming Canto.cat, a successful product among young people. The author emphasises that one of the keys to this success has been to induce young people to participate and feel they are an important part of the project and not just its target. Canto.cat has the support of prominent musicians and various private organisations that have provided ideas and funding for the project.

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How to Cite
Ardanuy, Joanjo. “El Projecte ‘Canto sense vergonya’”. Treballs de sociolingüística catalana, vol.VOL 22, pp. 199-05, https://raco.cat/index.php/TSC/article/view/265406.