Trobades entre joves autòctons i joves nouvinguts per crear un entorn que estimuli l'ús de la llengua

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Paula Fluxà
Over 50 % of the inhabitants of Palma were born outside the Balearic Islands and, consequently, Catalan is not their first language. Indeed, according to a study coordinated by the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), over 160 different languages are currently spoken in Palma. Faced with this diversity, a city language promotion service called Projecte:D was created in 2008. It is staffed by ten language promoters and is active in territorial, intercultural and educational fields.
This paper reviews the projects evolution and some of its practical experiences, such as the pre-linguistic workshops and the language holiday camps. A brief description is given of
the way in which Projecte:D, with its micro-actions, has promoted the use of Catalan in Palma, forming contexts that foster the use of the Balearic Islands own language, while favouring intercultural communication and social cohesion among young people.

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How to Cite
Fluxà, Paula. “Trobades entre joves autòctons i joves nouvinguts per crear un entorn que estimuli l’ús de la llengua”. Treballs de sociolingüística catalana, vol.VOL 22, pp. 153-9,