Narrative practices in the 16th century: history and theory
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Pedro Ruiz Pérez
Universidad de Córdoba
This work proposes a particular reading of the sixteenth century prose, focused on the articulation of epic, historical and fictional narratives; moreover, it re-examines the relationship between texts and authorial practices in a more complex framework than the usual historical categorizations. Historicity is not conceived of only in a sequence, but also in terms of mapping or cartography, thus emphasizing the plurality of generic-discursive links and the processes of convergence and hybridization. To this purpose, the study employs the following oppositions: truth-fiction, didacticism-entertainment and orality-writing. The latter is used to determine different authorial profiles and their attitudes to the mentioned polarities.
narrative, 16th century, truth-fiction, didacticism-entertainment, orality and writing, author profiles
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How to Cite
Ruiz Pérez, Pedro. “Narrative practices in the 16th century: history and theory”. Studia aurea: revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, vol.VOL 9, pp. 9-48,
Author Biography
Pedro Ruiz Pérez, Universidad de Córdoba
Catdrático de Literatura Española
Departamento de Literatura Española
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